Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Exclusivity and Monogamy

1. At no time in the relationship* shall exclusivity or monogamy be assumed until both parties have discussed it and reach a mutual agreement.

2. This subject shall be brought up by the male partner only. (See ‘Past Mistakes’ Pg. 3. Prgh. 2) Until that time Erin shall not bring it up, nor shall she assume that any such agreement is in place. Nor shall the assumption be made that an exclusive relationship is the desired end result.

3. Before such agreement is reached; both parties involved in the relationship are free to date other people with the following caveats:

- Protection must be worn at all times during sexual activity
- While awareness of other partners is mandatory, details of the relationship that is had with them are not, nor are they desired.
- While all other non-plutonic partners in question must be aware of Erin’s existence, it is neither necessary nor desirable for them to know her identity, and vice versa.
- If attending the same social function, but with a partner other than each other, politeness dictates that Erin or the male in question is made aware of this to avoid any social gaffes or awkwardness that may arise from this situation.

4. If or when the agreement to enter into an exclusive, monogamous relationship with Erin is reached the discussion must next focus on the change in boundaries. However, it must be noted that once a monogamous relationship has been decided upon, all outside activity with other partners must immediately cease and desist. From that point on any such activity is considered “cheating” and will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

* In this document used to describe any involvement with Erin that is considered to be greater than a plutonic friendship

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